
Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Georgette Heyer

Today, August 16th, is the 108th birthday of the extraordinary Georgette Heyer. Mostly known as a romance writer (she wrote over 50 books in her long life), she also wrote some pretty terrific mysteries. Some of which I've recently been reading for the first time. I've just finished Envious Casca, a classic of the locked room school from the golden age of mystery. A family gathers for Christmas festivities at an old English country house. Murder ensues. Fairly simple and yet, not. When done in the right way, this sort of mystery is perfection.

Other Heyer mysteries recently read by yours truly: A Blunt Instrument, Duplicate Death and Detection Unlimited. I recommend them highly to anyone interested in a darn good mystery written by someone who, if she'd written more of them, would surely have been considered another Grande Dame of Mystery.

Thanks to the Jane Austen World blog for alerting me to this auspicious day. There's a terrific post on there today about Heyer and her work.

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